Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the precious result of the pressing of the finest varieties of Apulian olives, Coratina and Ogliarola, harvested according to traditional methods at the right degree of ripeness, when the green color of the fruit begins to take on the typical purple color.

The harvest of the olives at this level of veraison is of fundamental importance, as it allows to preserve to the maximum the vegetable aromatic notes of the fruit and its exceptional organoleptic qualities, thus transferring them into the oil.

After harvesting, the olives are pressed over the next 6 hours with cold pressing, a system that guarantees the maintenance of the quantity of minerals, vitamins and substances rich in antioxidant properties present in the fruits.

Exclusively from the Coratina cultivar olives, the highest expression of our land, is obtained PURO, our Intense Fruity Extra Virgin Olive Oil with its typical bitter and spicy notes, thanks to the high content of polyphenols. Its strong and vigorous aroma gives character to each dish.

DUO is our Medium Fruity Extra Virgin Olive Oil obtained by pressing olives of both Ogliarola and Coratina varieties. Its softer and more delicate taste and the slight bitter and spicy notes make it a balanced oil and ideal to accompany white meat dishes, cooked fish and vegetables.

Both PURO and DUO are filtered extra virgin olive oils.

The filtered oil is more resistant over time: it is free from residues of impurities and vegetation water which over time cause fermentation defects. Therefore the oil remains "extra virgin" longer, thus preserving all its organoleptic properties.
